Service Details

For the cheapest accidental coverage for your vehicle,
contact Omni Rideshare Club today to get your free quote!

Omni Rideshare Club Company

Delivering with Uber Eats in Adelaide is a great way to earn extra income, but it's important to ensure you have the right insurance coverage. As a delivery driver in South Australia, your personal vehicle insurance may not cover you while you're on the job, making it crucial to have specific Uber Eats insurance.

see our

Features and Specialties

With us, you benefit in two days, damage coverage and free repairing. Here are some of our other exclusive services:

city trasport

We provide the best coverage


We cover all sorts of accidental damages to your rideshare and events and acts like thefts, robbery, storms, etc. Our third party damage coverage covers any damage that is caused by your rideshare.

hospital trasport

Complete transparency


All the terms and conditions of our coverage plans are up on our website for you to view. You can also check out the different types of plans we have to offer you. We provide complete transparency, and there are no hidden charges.

airport trasport

Roadside assistance


It is never a good day when your rideshare breaks down in the middle of nowhere. At times like that, we provide roadside assistance.

hospital trasport

Hire a rideshare


For 14 days, we give you 75 dollars a day to hire a rideshare when you get your rideshare stolen or damaged in an insured event.

wedding trasport

Reliable protection at all times


You can trust us with your rideshare. We are certified by the Australian Financial Services License. Our accidental damage coverage plans are legit and approved by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority.

wedding trasport

The lowest interest rates


We charge the lowest interest rates to allow rideshare owners of all ages and income to avail our services. We accept monthly payments without any charges.

wedding trasport

We cover your personal belongings


With your rideshare, you can also lose your personal belongings that were in your rideshare. If that ever happens and in the case of an insured event, you can raise a claim for the belongings that were lost.

wedding trasport

Replacement of stolen or lost rideshare keys


It is very common to lose your rideshare keys or have your rideshare keys stolen. In that moment of panic, we help you to get a replacement rideshare key. At Omni Rideshare Club, we provide our clients up to 2000 dollars to get a replacement.

wedding trasport

Coverage plan for your windscreen and window glass cover


How many times have you had to pay for that window glass or the windscreen whenever it broke? Unlike other insurance companies, we provide damage coverage plans specifically for your windscreens and window glass.

Get in touch with Omni Rideshare Club for the cheapest rideshare damage coverage

Yes, we offer the cheapest coverage plans, but that does not mean we are compromising on our quality of service. Cheap does not always mean bad. We believe in fair pricing, which is why we try to keep the overhead costs as low as possible for you.

Drop us an email or give us a call today if you are interested in a fairly priced damage coverage plan for your rideshare.

Why choose us?

Authorized repairs

We only have skilled and authorized repairers to repair your vehicle. We also offer a guarantee on the workmanship.

Freedom to choose your repairer

If you want to choose your repairer, you can do that. But in this case, we do not guarantee the workmanship.

New rideshare replacement free of cost

If your rideshare stops working before it's even two years old, we offer you a brand new rideshare replacement free of charge. We also cover extra expenses, like transportation and registration.

We pay for your emergency accommodation

In case you had been in an accident, or your rideshare broke down and you need emergency accommodation, we will pay for it for up to 4 nights.